Mise à jour: october, the 13th 2006
Version: 1.0
Author: Jean-Louis Bicquelet-Salaün
Location: http://jlbicquelet.free.fr
Copyright: (c) 2004-2006 Jean-Louis BICQUELET-SALAÜN

Vérification de l'EAI

Pour plus d'information au sujet de cette faq, contactez Jean-Louis BICQUELET

FAQ Revised: Monday 24 November 2008 16:29:53

Table of Contents

1. general
2. administration
3. affichage
4. configuration

1. general

1.1. comment connaitre la version de EMC ?
powermt version
EMC powermt for PowerPath (c) Version 4.5.1 (build 19)

1.2. comment connaitre la configuration EMC ?

powermt display options

        Default storage system class: all
        Show CLARiiON LUN names:      true

        System Class  Attributes
        ------------  ----------

        Symmetrix     periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        CLARiiON      periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        Invista       periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        Ess           periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        Hitachi       periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        HP xp         periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

        HP HSx        periodic autorestore = on
                      status = managed

1.3. comment vérifier la licence ?
powermt check_registration

  Product: PowerPath
  Capabilities: All

Si la licence n'a pas été trouvée:

#powermt check_registration
There are no license keys now registered.

1.4. comment entrer la licence ?
emcpreg -add XX3-HXX3-F2XX-YXXR-AX9X-L7XX

L'autre solution est

# emcpreg -install

===========   EMC PowerPath Registration ===========
Do you have a new registration key or keys to enter?[n] y
Enter the registration keys(s) for your product(s),
one per line, pressing Enter after each key.
After typing all keys, press Enter again.

Key (Enter if done): XX3-HXX3-F2XX-YXXR-AX9X-L7XX
1 key(s) successfully added.
Key successfully installed.

Key (Enter if done):
1 key(s) successfully registered.

1.5. Quelle est la liste des commandes de baie ?
  powermt  [class=]

  powermt check [force] [hba=|all] [dev=|all]
  powermt check_registration
  powermt config
  powermt display [ports] [dev=|all] [every=<#seconds>]
  powermt display options
  powermt display paths  [every=<#seconds>]
  powermt display unmanaged
  powermt manage {dev= | class={hitachi | hpxp | ess | hphsx}}
  powermt unmanage {dev= | class={hitachi | hpxp | ess | hphsx}}
  powermt load [file=]
  powermt remove [force] [hba=|all] [dev=|all]
  powermt restore [hba=|all] [dev=|all]
          [force [hba=|all] [dev=|all]]
  powermt save [file=]
  powermt set mode=active|standby [hba=|all] [dev=|all]
  powermt set periodic_autorestore=on|off
  powermt set policy={ad|bf|co|lb|li|nr|re|rr|so} [dev=|all]
  powermt set priority= [dev=|all]
  powermt set write_throttle={on|off} [dev=|all]
  powermt set write_throttle_queue= [dev=|all]
  powermt update lun_names
  powermt version

1.6. comment connaitre la version d'EMC ?

#powermt version
EMC powermt for PowerPath (c) Version 4.4.2 (build 12)

2. administration

2.1. Comment savoir si naviagent tourne ?
/usr/bin/ps -eu root | grep navi
  581700      -  0:40 naviagent

2.2. Comment arreter/relancer naviagent ?
/etc/rc.agent stop
/etc/rc.agent start

3. affichage

3.1. comment afficher les informations sur les cartes liées à hdiskpower ?
powermt display

Symmetrix logical device count=0
CLARiiON logical device count=3
Invista logical device count=0
Ess logical device count=0
Hitachi logical device count=0
HP xp logical device count=0
HP HSx logical device count=0
----- Host Bus Adapters ---------  ------ I/O Paths -----  ------ Stats ------
### HW Path                        Summary   Total   Dead  IO/Sec Q-IOs Errors
   0 fscsi0                        optimal       6      0       -     0      0
   1 fscsi1                        optimal       6      0       -     0      0

3.2. comment afficher les informations sur les disques ainsi que les chemins ?
lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0      Available 06-08-00-3,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1      Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk2      Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk3      Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk4      Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk5      Available 06-08-00-4,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk6      Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk7      Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk8      Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk9      Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk10     Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk11     Available 03-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk12     Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdisk13     Available 04-08-02     EMC CLARiiON FCP RAID 5 Disk
hdiskpower0 Available 04-08-02     PowerPath Device
hdiskpower1 Available 04-08-02     PowerPath Device
hdiskpower2 Available 04-08-02     PowerPath Device

3.3. comment afficher les informations sur les cartes liées à hdiskpower ?
powermt display dev=all

Pseudo name=hdiskpower0
CLARiiON ID=CK200045000307 [SERVEUR]
Logical device ID=6006016098D412003806453E650BDB11 [SERVEUR_VSYST01]
state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B
---------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -   -- I/O Path -  -- Stats ---
### HW Path                 I/O Paths    Interf.   Mode    State  Q-IOs Errors
   0 fscsi0                    hdisk1    SP A0     active  alive      0      0
   0 fscsi0                    hdisk2    SP B2     active  alive      0      0
   1 fscsi1                    hdisk3    SP A2     active  alive      0      0
   1 fscsi1                    hdisk4    SP B0     active  alive      0      0

Pseudo name=hdiskpower1
CLARiiON ID=CK200045000307 [SERVEUR]
Logical device ID=6006016098D41200AABE2C8B140CDB11 [SERVEUR_VTSYST02]
state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B
---------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -   -- I/O Path -  -- Stats ---
### HW Path                 I/O Paths    Interf.   Mode    State  Q-IOs Errors
   0 fscsi0                    hdisk6    SP A0     active  alive      0      0
   0 fscsi0                    hdisk7    SP B2     active  alive      0      0
   1 fscsi1                    hdisk8    SP A2     active  alive      0      0
   1 fscsi1                    hdisk9    SP B0     active  alive      0      0

3.4. Comment afficher les cartes fibres accroché à une baie ?
#powermt display class=clariion
CLARiiON logical device count=5
----- Host Bus Adapters ---------  ------ I/O Paths -----  ------ Stats ------
### HW Path                        Summary   Total   Dead  IO/Sec Q-IOs Errors
  0 fscsi0                         optimal      10      0       -     0      0
  1 fscsi1                         optimal      10      0       -     0      0

3.5. Comment connaitre les paths existant sur un serveur ?
#powermt display paths
Symmetrix logical device count=0
----- Host Bus Adapters --------- ------ Storage System -----    - I/O Paths -
### HW Path                            ID          Interface     Total    Dead

CLARiiON logical device count=5
----- Host Bus Adapters --------- ------ Storage System -----    - I/O Paths -
### HW Path                            ID          Interface     Total    Dead
  0 fscsi0                        CK200064200124      SP A0          5       0
  0 fscsi0                        CK200064200124      SP B1          5       0
  1 fscsi1                        CK200064200124      SP A1          5       0
  1 fscsi1                        CK200064200124      SP B0          5       0

3.6. Comment afficher si il existe des device non gérés?

#powermt display unmanaged
No unmanaged devices found.

3.7. Comment connaitre les baies attachées à un serveur ?
powermt display dev=all | grep CLARiiON  | sort | uniq  | awk '{print $2}'

3.8. Comment retrouver le hdiskpower associé à un disque ?
powermt display dev=all | grep -p hdisk135
Pseudo name=hdiskpower33
CLARiiON ID=CK200031001298 [SERVEUR]
Logical device ID=6006016050820E0092A77DB8D8C0DA11 [SERVEUR_VROOTVG]
state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
Owner: default=SP A, current=SP A
---------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -   -- I/O Path -  -- Stats ---
### HW Path                 I/O Paths    Interf.   Mode    State  Q-IOs Errors
  1 fscsi1                    hdisk12    SP A0     active  alive      0      0
  0 fscsi0                    hdisk135   SP B0     active  alive      0      0
  1 fscsi1                    hdisk137   SP B0     active  alive      0      0
  0 fscsi0                    hdisk134   SP B1     active  alive      0      0

3.9. Comment vérifier le débit des liesn et le load balancing ?
powermt watch
Symmetrix logical device count=0
CLARiiON logical device count=6
Invista logical device count=0
Ess logical device count=0
Hitachi logical device count=0
HP xp logical device count=0
HP HSx logical device count=0
----- Host Bus Adapters ---------  ------ I/O Paths -----  ------ Stats ------
### HW Path                        Summary   Total   Dead  IO/Sec Q-IOs Errors
   0 fscsi0                        optimal      11      0       -     0      4
   1 fscsi1                        optimal      12      0       -     0     24

Symmetrix logical device count=0
CLARiiON logical device count=6
Invista logical device count=0
Ess logical device count=0
Hitachi logical device count=0
HP xp logical device count=0
HP HSx logical device count=0
----- Host Bus Adapters ---------  ------ I/O Paths -----  ------ Stats ------
### HW Path                        Summary   Total   Dead  IO/Sec Q-IOs Errors
   0 fscsi0                        optimal      11      0       1     0      4
   1 fscsi1
        optimal      12      0       1     0     24


powermt display every=2

3.10. Comment vérifier que les drivers et les hdiskpowers sont disponibles ?
#lsdev -Ct power
hdiskpower0 Available 0B-08-02 PowerPath Device
powerpath0  Available          PowerPath Control Device
#lsdev -Cc driver
fcnet0     Defined   09-08-01 Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcnet1     Defined   0B-08-01 Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcnet2     Defined   0C-08-01 Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fscsi0     Available 09-08-02 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi1     Available 0B-08-02 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi2     Available 0C-08-02 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
iscsi0     Available          iSCSI Protocol Device
powerpath0 Available          PowerPath Control Device
scsi0      Available 0D-08-00 PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus
scsi1      Available 0D-08-01 PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus
scsi2      Available 0F-08-00 PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus
scsi3      Available 0F-08-01 PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus

Ici les cartes fibres ne sont pas disponibles.

3.11. Comment vérifier que les cartes fibres sont disponibles ?
#lsdev -Cc adapter | grep fcs
fcs0      Available 09-08 FC Adapter
fcs1      Available 0B-08 FC Adapter
fcs2      Available 0C-08 FC Adapter

4. configuration

4.1. Comment reconnaitre les disques ?

4.2. Comment supprimer les disques qui ont été remplacés et qui n'appartiennent plus à la baie ?

On fait une liste des disques don l'id est none. On genere un fichier correspondant aux disque qui restent (bons). On recherche avec egrep tous les disques qui ne font pas parti de la baie et on supprime leur définition.

lspv | grep none | awk '{print $1}' >verif
powermt display dev=all  | grep fscs | awk '{print $3}' | tr -s '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//'  > bons
for i in `egrep -v -f  bons verif`
   rmdev -dl $i

4.3. Comment sauvegarder la configuration EMC ?
powermt save file=sauvegarde

4.4. Comment installer un disque de boot sur un disque EMC?

Desactiver la baie,

# pprootdev off

Installer l'image du mksysb et refaire le bosboot.

# alt_disk_install -C -O hdisk10
# bootlist -m both hdisk10 hdisk11
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk10
# lslv -m hd5

Réactiver powerpath.

# pprootdev on

4.5. Comment forcer la configuration des cartes fibres ?
/usr/lpp/EMC/Symmetrix/bin/emc_cfgmgr -v

Copyright (c) 2006 Jean-Louis BICQUELET

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