Editeur de texte en Tcl/Tk

Mise à jour: 19 novembre 2009
Version: 1.0
Author: Jean-Louis Bicquelet-Salaün
Location: http://jlbicquelet.free.fr
Copyright: (c) 2009 Jean-Louis BICQUELET-SALAÜN



Ceci est un editeur de texte. Je ne sais plus où j'ai trouvé le source, mais on peu le configurer. C'est ce que j'ai fait afin de pouvoir ajouter du texte. Les parties en jaunes vous montre comment.


#!/usr/bin/wish -f

# Tk NotePad by Joseph Acosta
# default global values
global .
set fileName " "
set saveTextMsg 0
set winTitle "Tk NotePad"
set version "Version 0.8.0"
set wordWrap none
set printCommand lpr
set BGCOLOR "white"
set FGCOLOR "black"
set BASENAME [string range $argv0 [expr [string last "/" $argv0] + 1] end]

set MODIFIED "Modified..."

# main window settings
eval destroy [winfo child .]
wm title . $winTitle
wm iconname . $winTitle
wm geometry . 80x25
wm minsize . 25 1

#create main menu
menu .filemenu -tearoff 0

# start by setting default font sizes
if [ expr [string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"] ==0] {
	set textFont -Adobe-Helvetica-*-R-Normal-*-14-*
	set menuFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-*-75-75-*-*-*-*
} else {
	set textFont -Adobe-Courier-*-R-Normal-*-16-*
	#set menuFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-*-75-75-*-*-*-*
	set menuFont [.filemenu cget -font]
.filemenu configure -font $menuFont

# create frames for widget layout
# this is for the text widget and the y scroll bar
frame .bottomTopMenu
pack .bottomTopMenu  -side top -expand 1 -fill both
# where the text widget is packed
frame .bottomleftmenu
pack .bottomleftmenu -in .bottomTopMenu  -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# where the y scrollbar is packed
frame .bottomrightmenu
pack  .bottomrightmenu -in .bottomTopMenu  -side right -expand 0 -fill both 
# this is for the x scroll bar at the bottom of the window
frame .bottombottommenu
pack .bottombottommenu -side bottom -expand 0 -fill both

#file menu
menu .filemenu.files -tearoff 0 -font $menuFont
.filemenu  add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.files
.filemenu.files add command -label "New" -underline 0 -command "filesetasnew"
.filemenu.files add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 -command "filetoopen" -accelerator Ctrl+o
.filemenu.files add command -label "Save" -underline 0 -command "filetosave" -accelerator Ctrl+s
.filemenu.files add command -label "Save As..." -underline 5 -command "filesaveas"
.filemenu.files add separator
if {"$tcl_platform(platform)" == "unix"} {
	.filemenu.files add command -label "Print Setup..." -underline 8 -command "printseupselection"
	.filemenu.files add command -label "Print" -underline 0 -command "selectprint"
	.filemenu.files add separator
.filemenu.files add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 -command "exitapp"

menu .filemenu.faq -tearoff 0 -font $menuFont
.filemenu add cascade -label "Tags" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.faq
.filemenu.faq add command -label "Faq" -underline 0 -command "faq_menu_proc" -accelerator Ctrl+a

#edit menu
menu .filemenu.edit -tearoff 0 -font $menuFont
.filemenu add cascade -label "Edit" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.edit
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Undo" -underline 0 -command " undo_menu_proc" -accelerator Ctrl+z
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Redo" -underline 0 -command "redo_menu_proc" -accelerator Ctrl+y
.filemenu.edit add separator
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Cut" -underline 2 -command "cuttext" -accelerator Ctrl+x
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Copy" -underline 0 -command "copytext" -accelerator Ctrl+c
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Paste" -underline 0 -command "pastetext" -accelerator Ctrl+v
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Delete" -underline 2 -command "deletetext" -accelerator Del
.filemenu.edit add separator
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Select All" -underline 7 -command ".textarea tag add sel 1.0 end" -accelerator Ctrl+/
.filemenu.edit add command -label "Time/Date" -underline 5 -command "printtime"
.filemenu.edit add separator
.filemenu.edit add check -label "Word Wrap" -underline 5 -command "wraptext" 

#search menu
menu .filemenu.search -tearoff 0 -font $menuFont
.filemenu add cascade -label "Search" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.search
.filemenu.search add command -label "Find..." -underline 0 -command "findtext find" -accelerator Ctrl+f
.filemenu.search add command -label "Find Next" -underline 1 -command "findnext find" -accelerator F3
.filemenu.search add command -label "Replace..." -underline 0 -command "findtext replace" -accelerator Ctrl+r

# help menu
menu .filemenu.help -tearoff 0 -font $menuFont
.filemenu add cascade -label "Help" -underline 0 -menu .filemenu.help
.filemenu.help add command -label "Help" -underline 0 -command "helpme"
.filemenu.help add command -label "About" -underline 0 -command "aboutme"

# now make the menu visible
. configure -menu .filemenu 

#create text area
text .textarea -relief sunken -bd 2 -xscrollcommand ".xscroll set" \
	-yscrollcommand ".yscroll set" -wrap $wordWrap -width 1 -height 1 \
        -fg $FGCOLOR -bg $BGCOLOR -font $textFont -setgrid 1 
scrollbar .yscroll -command ".textarea yview"
scrollbar .xscroll -command ".textarea xview" -orient horizontal
pack .textarea  -in  .bottomleftmenu -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .yscroll -in .bottomrightmenu -side right -expand 1 -fill both
pack .xscroll -in .bottombottommenu -expand 1 -fill x 
focus .textarea

# this proc just sets the title to what it is passed
proc settitle {WinTitleName} {
	global winTitle fileName
	wm title . "$winTitle - $WinTitleName"
	set fileName $WinTitleName

# proc to open files or read a pipe
proc openoninit {thefile} {
    if [string match " " $thefile] {
        fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
        set incoming [read stdin 1]
        if [expr [string length $incoming] == 0] {
            fconfigure stdin -blocking 1
        } else {
            fconfigure stdin -blocking 1
            .textarea insert end $incoming
            while {![eof stdin]} {
                .textarea insert end [read -nonewline stdin]
    } else {
        if [ file exists $thefile ] {
            set newnamefile [open $thefile r]
        } else {
            set newnamefile [open $thefile a+]
        while {![eof $newnamefile]} {
	       .textarea insert end [read -nonewline $newnamefile ] 
        close $newnamefile
        settitle $thefile

# parse command line arguments
if ($argc>0) {
    for {set i 0} {$i <= $argc } {incr i} {
        if [ file exists [lindex $argv $i] ] {
	    set nameFileToOpen [lindex $argv $i]
	    openoninit $nameFileToOpen
        } else {
              set initvar  [lindex $argv $i]
              case $initvar {
                   -fg {
                         set FGCOLOR [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]
	         .textarea configure -fg $FGCOLOR
                         incr i }
                   -bg {
                         set BGCOLOR [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]
	         .textarea configure -bg $BGCOLOR
                         incr i }
                   -p {
                        set nameFileToOpen " " 
	        openoninit $nameFileToOpen }
                   -f {
                        set nameFileToOpen [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]] 
	        eval exec $BASENAME $nameFileToOpen -fg $FGCOLOR -bg $BGCOLOR &
                        incr i } 
                   -nf {
                        set nameFileToOpen [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]] 
	        openoninit $nameFileToOpen
                        incr i }

# because of a change in tcl / tk I now have to guess
# how to set the cursor position
proc textSetCursor {pos} {
        if { [ catch { tkTextSetCursor .textarea $pos } ] } {
                catch { tk::TextSetCursor .textarea $pos } ]

# help menu
proc helpme {} {
	tk_messageBox -title "Basic Help" -type ok -message "This is a simple ASCII editor like many others. \
Please see the README.help and other documentation files for help." 

# about menu
proc aboutme {} {
        global winTitle version
	tk_messageBox -title "About" -type ok -message "$winTitle $version\n by Joseph Acosta.\n\

# generic case switcher for message box
proc switchcase {yesfn nofn} {
    global saveTextMsg
    if [ expr [string compare $saveTextMsg 1] ==0 ] { 
	set answer [tk_messageBox -message "The contents of this file may have changed, do you wish to to save your changes?" \
	-title "New Confirm?" -type yesnocancel -icon question]
	case $answer {
	     yes { if {[eval $yesfn] == 1} { $nofn } }
             no {$nofn }
    } else {

# new file
proc filesetasnew {} {
	switchcase filetosave setTextTitleAsNew

proc setTextTitleAsNew {} {
	.textarea delete 0.0 end
	global winTitle fileName
	set fileName " "
	wm title . $winTitle

# kill main window
proc killwin {} {
	destroy .

# exit app
proc exitapp {} {
	switchcase filetosave killwin

# bring up open win
proc showopenwin {} {
	set types {
	{"All files"		*}
	set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent .]
	if [string compare $file ""] {
		openoninit $file

#open an existing file
proc filetoopen {} {
  	switchcase filetosave showopenwin

# generic save function
proc writesave {nametosave} {
    set FileNameToSave [open $nametosave w+]
    puts -nonewline $FileNameToSave [.textarea get 0.0 end]
    close $FileNameToSave

#save a file
proc filetosave {} {
    global fileName
    #check if file exists file
    if [file exists $fileName] {
	writesave $fileName
        return 1
    } else {
	 return [eval filesaveas]

#save a file as
proc filesaveas {} {
    set types {
	{"All files"		*}
    set myfile [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -parent . -initialfile Untitled]
    if { [expr [string compare $myfile ""]] != 0} {
	writesave  $myfile 
	settitle $myfile
        return 1
    return 0

# proc to set child window position
proc setwingeom {wintoset} {
    wm resizable $wintoset 0 0
    set myx [expr (([winfo screenwidth .]/2) - ([winfo reqwidth $wintoset]))]
    set myy [expr (([winfo screenheight .]/2) - ([winfo reqheight $wintoset]/2))]
    wm geometry $wintoset +$myx+$myy
    set topwin [ winfo parent $wintoset ]
    if { [ winfo viewable [ winfo toplevel $topwin ] ] } {
        wm transient $wintoset $topwin

# procedure to setup the printer
proc printseupselection {} {
	global printCommand
	set print .print
	catch {destroy $print}
	toplevel $print
	wm title $print "Print Setup"
	setwingeom $print
	frame $print.top
	frame $print.bottom
	label $print.top.label -text "Print Command: "
	entry $print.top.print -textvariable printsetupnew -width 40
	$print.top.print delete 0 end
	set printvar $printCommand 
	$print.top.print insert 0 $printvar
	button $print.bottom.ok -text "OK" -command "addtoprint $print"
	button $print.bottom.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $print"

	pack $print.top -side top -expand 0 
	pack $print.bottom -side bottom -expand 0
	pack $print.top.label $print.top.print -in $print.top -side left -fill x -fill y
	pack $print.bottom.ok $print.bottom.cancel -in $print.bottom -side left -fill x -fill y
	bind $print  "addtoprint $print"
	bind $print  "destroy $print"

    proc addtoprint {prnt} {
         global printCommand
         set printCommand [$prnt.top.print get]
         destroy $prnt

# procedure to print
proc selectprint {} {
    set TempPrintFile [open /tmp/tkpadtmpfile w]
    puts -nonewline $TempPrintFile [.textarea get 0.0 end]
    close $TempPrintFile
    global printCommand
    set prncmd $printCommand	
    eval exec $prncmd /tmp/tkpadtmpfile
    eval exec rm -f /tmp/tkpadtmpfile

#cut text procedure
proc deletetext {} {
    set cuttexts [selection own]
    if {$cuttexts != "" } {
        $cuttexts delete sel.first sel.last
        selection clear

#cut text procedure
proc cuttext {} {
    tk_textCut .textarea

#copy text procedure
proc copytext {} {
    tk_textCopy .textarea

#paste text procedure
proc pastetext {} {
    global tcl_platform
    if {"$tcl_platform(platform)" == "unix"} {
	    catch {
		.textarea delete sel.first sel.last
    tk_textPaste .textarea

proc FindIt {w} {
	global SearchString SearchPos SearchDir findcase tk_version
	.textarea tag configure sel -background green
	if {$SearchString!=""} {
		if {$findcase=="1"} {
 			set caset "-exact"
		} else {
			set caset "-nocase"
		if {$SearchDir == "forwards"} {
			set limit end
		} else {
			set limit 1.0
		set SearchPos [ .textarea search -count len $caset -$SearchDir $SearchString $SearchPos $limit]
		set len [string length $SearchString]
		if {$SearchPos != ""} {
        			.textarea see $SearchPos
				textSetCursor $SearchPos
			.textarea tag add sel $SearchPos  "$SearchPos + $len char"
			if {$SearchDir == "forwards"} {
        				set SearchPos "$SearchPos + $len char"
            		} else {
	           		set SearchPos "0.0"
	focus .textarea

proc ReplaceIt {} {
	global SearchString SearchDir ReplaceString SearchPos findcase
	if {$SearchString != ""} {
	    if {$findcase=="1"} {
		set caset "-exact"
	    } else {
		set caset "-nocase"
	    if {$SearchDir == "forwards"} {
		set limit end
	    } else {
		set limit 1.0
	    set SearchPos [ .textarea search -count len $caset -$SearchDir $SearchString $SearchPos $limit]
		set len [string length $SearchString]
	    if {$SearchPos != ""} {
        		.textarea see $SearchPos
               		.textarea delete $SearchPos "$SearchPos+$len char"
        		.textarea insert $SearchPos $ReplaceString
		if {$SearchDir == "forwards"} {
        			set SearchPos "$SearchPos+$len char"
	    } else {
	       	set SearchPos "0.0"

proc ReplaceAll {} {
      global SearchPos SearchString
       if {$SearchString != ""} {
	while {$SearchPos!="0.0"} {

proc CancelFind {w} {
    .textarea tag delete tg1
    destroy $w

proc ResetFind {} {
    global SearchPos
    set SearchPos insert

# procedure to find text
proc findtext {typ} {
	global SearchString SearchDir ReplaceString findcase c find
	set find .find
	catch {destroy $find}
	toplevel $find
	wm title $find "Find"
	setwingeom $find
	frame $find.l
	frame $find.l.f1
	label $find.l.f1.label -text "Find what:" -width 11
	entry $find.l.f1.entry  -textvariable SearchString -width 30 
	pack $find.l.f1.label $find.l.f1.entry -side left
	$find.l.f1.entry selection range 0 end
	if {$typ=="replace"} {
		frame $find.l.f2
		label $find.l.f2.label2 -text "Replace with:" -width 11
		entry $find.l.f2.entry2  -textvariable ReplaceString -width 30 
		pack $find.l.f2.label2 $find.l.f2.entry2 -side left
		pack $find.l.f1 $find.l.f2 -side top
	} else {
		pack $find.l.f1
	frame $find.f2
	button $find.f2.button1 -text "Find Next" -command "FindIt $find" -width 10 -height 1 -underline 5
	button $find.f2.button2 -text "Cancel" -command "CancelFind $find" -width 10 -underline 0
	if {$typ=="replace"} {
		button $find.f2.button3 -text "Replace" -command ReplaceIt -width 10 -height 1 -underline 0
		button $find.f2.button4 -text "Replace All" -command ReplaceAll -width 10 -height 1 -underline 8		
		pack $find.f2.button3 $find.f2.button4 $find.f2.button2  -pady 4
	} else {
		pack $find.f2.button1 $find.f2.button2  -pady 4
	frame $find.l.f4
	frame $find.l.f4.f3 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
	radiobutton $find.l.f4.f3.up -text "Up" -underline 0 -variable SearchDir -value "backwards" 
	radiobutton $find.l.f4.f3.down -text "Down"  -underline 0 -variable SearchDir -value "forwards" 
	$find.l.f4.f3.down invoke
	pack $find.l.f4.f3.up $find.l.f4.f3.down -side left 
	checkbutton $find.l.f4.cbox1 -text "Match case" -variable findcase -underline 0 
	pack $find.l.f4.cbox1 $find.l.f4.f3 -side left -padx 10
	pack $find.l.f4 -pady 11
	pack $find.l $find.f2 -side left -padx 1
	bind $find  "destroy $find"

     # each widget must be bound to th eevents of the other widgets
     proc bindevnt {widgetnm types find} {
	if {$types=="replace"} {
		bind $widgetnm  "ReplaceIt"
		bind $widgetnm  "ReplaceIt"
		bind $widgetnm  "ReplaceAll"
	} else {
		bind $widgetnm  "FindIt $find"
		bind $widgetnm  "FindIt $find"
	bind $widgetnm  { $find.l.f4.cbox1 invoke }
	bind $widgetnm  { $find.l.f4.f3.up invoke }
	bind $widgetnm  { $find.l.f4.f3.down invoke }
	if {$typ == "replace"} {
   		bindevnt $find.f2.button3 $typ $find
		bindevnt $find.f2.button4 $typ $find
	} else {
		bindevnt $find.f2.button1 $typ $find
  	        bindevnt $find.f2.button2 $typ $find
        bindevnt $find.l.f4.f3.up  $typ $find
        bindevnt $find.l.f4.f3.down $typ $find
        bindevnt $find.l.f4.cbox1 $typ $find
	bindevnt $find.l.f1.entry $typ $find	
	bind $find  "destroy $find"
	focus $find.l.f1.entry
	grab $find

# proc for find next
proc findnext {typof} {
	global SearchString SearchDir ReplaceString findcase c find
	if [catch {expr [string compare $SearchString "" ] }] {
		findtext $typof
	} else {
	 	FindIt $find

#procedure to set the time change %R to %I:%M for 12 hour time display
proc printtime {} {
.textarea insert insert [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%R %p %D"]

# binding for wordwrap
proc wraptext {} {
    global wordWrap
    if [expr [string compare $wordWrap word] == 0] {
	set wordWrap none
    } else {
	set wordWrap word
    .textarea configure -wrap $wordWrap

## NOTE modifiedstatus is declared in the linenum.pth
## so if it it not included we dont want to throw the error
## we just want to ignore, thus the catch...
# this sets saveTextMsg to 1 for message boxes
proc inccount {} {
    global saveTextMsg MODIFIED
    set saveTextMsg 1
    catch {modifiedstatus $MODIFIED}
# this resets saveTextMsg to 0
proc outccount {} {
    global saveTextMsg 
    set saveTextMsg 0
    catch {modifiedstatus " "}

# catch the kill of the windowmanager
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exitapp

bind All  {}
bind All  {}
bind All  {}
bind ALL  {}
bind .  {findnext find}
bind .  {cuttext}
bind .  {copytext}
bind .  {filetosave}
bind Text  {}
bind Text  {}
bind .  {filetoopen}
bind .  {undo_menu_proc}
bind .  {redo_menu_proc}
bind .  {findtext find}
bind .  {findtext replace}
bind .  {faq_menu_proc}

# because windows is 'different' and mac is unknown
if [ expr [string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"] ==0] {
	set tk_strictMotif 0
	event delete <> 
	event delete <> 
        event delete <> 
	# more bindings
	bind Text  {}
	bind .textarea  {pastetext}

textSetCursor "1.0"
#set zed_dir [file dirname [info script]]
# here is where the undo stuff begins
if {![info exists classNewId]} {
    # work around object creation between multiple include of this file problem
    set classNewId 0

proc new {className args} {
    # calls the constructor for the class with optional arguments
    # and returns a unique object identifier independent of the class name

    global classNewId
    # use local variable for id for new can be called recursively
    set id [incr classNewId]
    if {[llength [info procs ${className}:$className]]>0} {
        # avoid catch to track errors
        eval ${className}:$className $id $args
    return $id

proc delete {className id} {
    # calls the destructor for the class and delete all the object data members

    if {[llength [info procs ${className}:~$className]]>0} {
        # avoid catch to track errors
        ${className}:~$className $id
    global $className
    # and delete all this object array members if any (assume that they were stored as $className($id,memberName))
    foreach name [array names $className "$id,*"] {
        unset ${className}($name)

proc lifo:lifo {id {size 2147483647}} {
    global lifo
    set lifo($id,maximumSize) $size
    lifo:empty $id

proc lifo:push {id data} {
    global lifo
    lifo:tidyUp $id
    if {$lifo($id,size)>=$lifo($id,maximumSize)} {
        unset lifo($id,data,$lifo($id,first))
        incr lifo($id,first)
        incr lifo($id,size) -1
    set lifo($id,data,[incr lifo($id,last)]) $data
    incr lifo($id,size)

proc lifo:pop {id} {
    global lifo 
    lifo:tidyUp $id
    if {$lifo($id,last)<$lifo($id,first)} {
        error "lifo($id) pop error, empty"
    # delay unsetting popped data to improve performance by avoiding a data copy
    set lifo($id,unset) $lifo($id,last)
    incr lifo($id,last) -1
    incr lifo($id,size) -1
    return $lifo($id,data,$lifo($id,unset))

proc lifo:tidyUp {id} {
    global lifo
    if {[info exists lifo($id,unset)]} {
        unset lifo($id,data,$lifo($id,unset))
        unset lifo($id,unset)

proc lifo:empty {id} {
    global lifo
    lifo:tidyUp $id
    foreach name [array names lifo $id,data,*] {
        unset lifo($name)
    set lifo($id,size) 0
    set lifo($id,first) 0
    set lifo($id,last) -1

proc textUndoer:textUndoer {id widget {depth 2147483647}} {
    global textUndoer

    if {[string compare [winfo class $widget] Text]!=0} {
        error "textUndoer error: widget $widget is not a text widget"
    set textUndoer($id,widget) $widget
    set textUndoer($id,originalBindingTags) [bindtags $widget]
    bindtags $widget [concat $textUndoer($id,originalBindingTags) UndoBindings($id)]

    bind UndoBindings($id)  "textUndoer:undo $id"

    # self destruct automatically when text widget is gone
    bind UndoBindings($id)  "delete textUndoer $id"

    # rename widget command
    rename $widget [set textUndoer($id,originalCommand) textUndoer:original$widget]
    # and intercept modifying instructions before calling original command
    proc $widget {args} "textUndoer:checkpoint $id \$args; 
		global search_count;
		eval $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) \$args"

    set textUndoer($id,commandStack) [new lifo $depth]
    set textUndoer($id,cursorStack) [new lifo $depth]
    textRedoer:textRedoer $id $widget $depth

proc textUndoer:~textUndoer {id} {
    global textUndoer

    bindtags $textUndoer($id,widget) $textUndoer($id,originalBindingTags)
    rename $textUndoer($id,widget) ""
    rename $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) $textUndoer($id,widget)
    delete lifo $textUndoer($id,commandStack)
    delete lifo $textUndoer($id,cursorStack)
    textRedoer:~textRedoer $id

proc textUndoer:checkpoint {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer textRedoer

    # do nothing if non modifying command
    if {[string compare [lindex $arguments 0] insert]==0} {
        textUndoer:processInsertion $id [lrange $arguments 1 end]
        if {$textRedoer($id,redo) == 0} {
           textRedoer:reset $id
    if {[string compare [lindex $arguments 0] delete]==0} {
        textUndoer:processDeletion $id [lrange $arguments 1 end]
        if {$textRedoer($id,redo) == 0} {
           textRedoer:reset $id

proc textUndoer:processInsertion {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer

    set number [llength $arguments]
    set length 0
    # calculate total insertion length while skipping tags in arguments
    for {set index 1} {$index<$number} {incr index 2} {
        incr length [string length [lindex $arguments $index]]
    if {$length>0} {
        set index [$textUndoer($id,originalCommand) index [lindex $arguments 0]]
        lifo:push $textUndoer($id,commandStack) "delete $index $index+${length}c"
        lifo:push $textUndoer($id,cursorStack) [$textUndoer($id,originalCommand) index insert]

proc textUndoer:processDeletion {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer

    set command $textUndoer($id,originalCommand)
    lifo:push $textUndoer($id,cursorStack) [$command index insert]

    set start [$command index [lindex $arguments 0]]
    if {[llength $arguments]>1} {
        lifo:push $textUndoer($id,commandStack) "insert $start [list [$command get $start [lindex $arguments 1]]]"
    } else {
        lifo:push $textUndoer($id,commandStack) "insert $start [list [$command get $start]]"

proc textUndoer:undo {id} {
    global textUndoer

    if {[catch {set cursor [lifo:pop $textUndoer($id,cursorStack)]}]} {
    set popArgs [lifo:pop $textUndoer($id,commandStack)]
    textRedoer:checkpoint $id $popArgs
    eval $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) $popArgs
    # now restore cursor position
    $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) mark set insert $cursor
    # make sure insertion point can be seen
    $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) see insert

proc textUndoer:reset {id} {
    global textUndoer
    lifo:empty $textUndoer($id,commandStack)
    lifo:empty $textUndoer($id,cursorStack)

proc textRedoer:textRedoer {id widget {depth 2147483647}} {
    global textRedoer
    if {[string compare [winfo class $widget] Text]!=0} {
        error "textRedoer error: widget $widget is not a text widget"
    set textRedoer($id,commandStack) [new lifo $depth]
    set textRedoer($id,cursorStack) [new lifo $depth]
    set textRedoer($id,redo) 0

proc textRedoer:~textRedoer {id} {
    global textRedoer
    delete lifo $textRedoer($id,commandStack)
    delete lifo $textRedoer($id,cursorStack)

proc textRedoer:checkpoint {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer textRedoer
    # do nothing if non modifying command
    if {[string compare [lindex $arguments 0] insert]==0} {
        textRedoer:processInsertion $id [lrange $arguments 1 end]
    if {[string compare [lindex $arguments 0] delete]==0} {
        textRedoer:processDeletion $id [lrange $arguments 1 end]

proc textRedoer:processInsertion {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer textRedoer
    set number [llength $arguments]
    set length 0
    # calculate total insertion length while skipping tags in arguments
    for {set index 1} {$index<$number} {incr index 2} {
        incr length [string length [lindex $arguments $index]]
    if {$length>0} {
        set index [$textUndoer($id,originalCommand) index [lindex $arguments 0]]
        lifo:push $textRedoer($id,commandStack) "delete $index $index+${length}c"
        lifo:push $textRedoer($id,cursorStack) [$textUndoer($id,originalCommand) index insert]

proc textRedoer:processDeletion {id arguments} {
    global textUndoer textRedoer
    set command $textUndoer($id,originalCommand)
    lifo:push $textRedoer($id,cursorStack) [$command index insert]

    set start [$command index [lindex $arguments 0]]
    if {[llength $arguments]>1} {
        lifo:push $textRedoer($id,commandStack) "insert $start [list [$command get $start [lindex $arguments 1]]]"
    } else {
        lifo:push $textRedoer($id,commandStack) "insert $start [list [$command get $start]]"
proc textRedoer:redo {id} {
    global textUndoer textRedoer
    if {[catch {set cursor [lifo:pop $textRedoer($id,cursorStack)]}]} {
    set textRedoer($id,redo) 1
    set popArgs [lifo:pop $textRedoer($id,commandStack)]     
    textUndoer:checkpoint $id $popArgs
    eval $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) $popArgs
    set textRedoer($id,redo) 0
    # now restore cursor position
    $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) mark set insert $cursor
    # make sure insertion point can be seen
    $textUndoer($id,originalCommand) see insert

proc textRedoer:reset {id} {
    global textRedoer
    lifo:empty $textRedoer($id,commandStack)
    lifo:empty $textRedoer($id,cursorStack)

# end of where youd source in undo.tcl
proc faq_menu_proc {} {
        .textarea insert end "\ncomment ?\n
\n" inccount }
set undo_id [new textUndoer .textarea] proc undo_menu_proc {} { global undo_id textUndoer:undo $undo_id inccount } proc redo_menu_proc {} { global undo_id textRedoer:redo $undo_id inccount } set color [.filemenu cget -background] entry .statusind -relief flat -state disabled -background $color entry .modified -relief flat -state disabled -background $color pack .modified -in .bottombottommenu -side left -expand 0 pack .statusind -in .bottombottommenu -side right -expand 0 # this proc gets the posn and sets the statusbar proc keyposn {} { .statusind configure -state normal set indexin [.textarea index insert] .statusind delete 0 end .statusind insert 0 "line.column $indexin" .statusind configure -state disabled } # set the initial cursor position call keyposn on it and reset window geometry textSetCursor "1.0" keyposn wm geometry . 45x24 # set new bindings bind .textarea {keyposn} bind .textarea {keyposn} # this proc shows if the file is modifed or not # is changed is either space or modified proc modifiedstatus { ischanged } { .modified configure -state normal .modified delete 0 end .modified insert 0 $ischanged .modified configure -state disabled } # add new menu option .filemenu.search add command -label "Goto Line" -underline 0 -command "gotoline" proc gotoline {} { set gotln .gotln catch {destroy $gotln} toplevel $gotln wm title $gotln "Goto Line?" setwingeom $gotln frame $gotln.top frame $gotln.bottom label $gotln.top.label -text "Goto Line: " entry $gotln.top.gotln -textvariable gotlnsetupnew -width 10 $gotln.top.gotln delete 0 end button $gotln.bottom.ok -text "OK" -command "addtogotln $gotln" button $gotln.bottom.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $gotln" focus $gotln.top.gotln pack $gotln.top -side top -expand 0 pack $gotln.bottom -side bottom -expand 0 pack $gotln.top.label $gotln.top.gotln -in $gotln.top -side left -fill x -fill y pack $gotln.bottom.ok $gotln.bottom.cancel -in $gotln.bottom -side left -fill x -fill y bind $gotln "addtogotln $gotln" bind $gotln "destroy $gotln" proc addtogotln {prnt} { global gotlnCommand set gotlnCommand [$prnt.top.gotln get] textSetCursor "$gotlnCommand.0" catch {keyposn} destroy $prnt } }

voir aussi
