principales opérations NIM

Creation: 14 janvier 2015
Mise à jour:
Version: 1.0
Author: Jean-Louis Bicquelet-Salaün
Copyright: (c) 2015 Jean-Louis BICQUELET-SALAÜN

  1. afficher les classes d'objets NIM

    l#snim -p

  2. afficher les sous-classes d'objets NIM

    #lsnim -P -c machines
    wpar             = file systems and resources hosted on managing system
    diskless         = all filesystems & resources remote
    dataless         = local paging,dump; remote /,/usr; others remote or local
    standalone       = local filesystems & resources
    master           = machine which controls the NIM environment
    alternate_master = alternate machine which can control the NIM environment
    [sxpnim01:root]/root #       5    To display detailed information about the NIM attributes named lpp_source and Rstate, enter:
    ksh: 5:  not found.
    [sxpnim01:root]/root #lsnim -P -c networks
    ent6    = IPv6 ethernet network
    tok     = token ring network
    ent     = ethernet network
    fddi    = FDDI network
    generic = generic network (no network boot capability)
    atm     = ATM network
    hfi     = HFI network

  3. afficher les types de machines avec un descriptif détaillé

    #lsnim -P -c machines
    wpar             = file systems and resources hosted on managing system
    diskless         = all filesystems & resources remote
    dataless         = local paging,dump; remote /,/usr; others remote or local
    standalone       = local filesystems & resources
    master           = machine which controls the NIM environment
    alternate_master = alternate machine which can control the NIM environment

  4. afficher les opérations possibles sur un serveur

    #lsnim -o sxrafrn4751
       cust             = perform software customization
       maint            = perform software maintenance
       diag             = enable a machine to boot a diagnostic image
       bos_inst         = perform a BOS installation
       reset            = reset an object's NIM state
       fix_query        = perform queries on installed fixes
       check            = check the status of a NIM object
       reboot           = reboot specified machines
       showlog          = display a log in the NIM environment
       showres          = show contents of a resource
       maint_boot       = enable a machine to boot in maintenance mode
       lppchk           = verify installed filesets
       alt_disk_install = perform an alt_disk_install operation on a client
       alt_disk_mig     = perform an alt_disk_mig operation on a client
       restvg           = perform a restvg operation
       linux_inst       = operation to install Linux onto a standalone
       lswpar           = show the characteristics of a workload partition
       syncwpar         = synchronize workload partition software with the managed system
       deploy           = deploy an ovf_vm NIM resource to the target NIM client objects
       showdump         = Show the location of a client dump
       snap             = collect a snap record from a client

  5. lister tous les réseaux disponibles

    #lsnim -c networks
    network1                networks       ent
    ent-Network1            networks       ent
    ent-Network2            networks       ent

  6. lister les caractéristiques d'une interface réseau

    #lsnim -l  network1
       class      = networks
       type       = ent
       Nstate     = ready for use
       prev_state = ready for use
       net_addr   =
       snm        =
       routing1   = default

  7. lister toures les caractéristiques de tous les réseaux

    for i in $(lsnim -c networks | awk '{print $1}')
           lsnim -l $i

  8. lister un serveur

    #lsnim -l sxrafrn4751
       class          = machines
       type           = standalone
       connect        = nimsh
       comments       = site=vega;env=rec;dmz=false
       platform       = chrp
       netboot_kernel = 64
       if1            = ent-Network154 sxrafrn4751 0
       cable_type1    = N/A
       Cstate         = ready for a NIM operation
       prev_state     = customization is being performed
       Mstate         = currently running
       cpuid          = 00F94EEB4C00
       Cstate_result  = success

  9. definir un serveur standalone

     nim -o define -t standalone -a platform="chrp" -a netboot_kernel="64" -a connect='nimsh' -a if1="ent-Network154 sxqafrn4751 0" -a comments="site=vega;env=rec;dmz=false" sxqafrn4751